Henri Keeble

Undergraduate Game Developer and Programmer

TORCS Adaptive

A modification of TORCS implementing procedurally generated tracks, with performance measurement through racing line evaluation. My third year project at University, and a continued research project through Summer 2014. This was a large modification of a game written in C++, and was an invaluable learning experience.

Kinect Rampage!

A game written in C# and XNA using the Kinect SDK. The game contains full skeletal tracking for the player, and full body collision model using seperated axis theory and a collision tree. For each level, the game randomly generates buildings for a city, with landmarks in set positions. the player must travel around the city destroying the landmarks for points, and eventually the town center in order to move on to the next level. Various enemies will attack the player to try and stop them as they travel around. The game requires both a Kinect and Xbox 360 GamePad in order to play. Source requires Microsoft Kinect SDK to build, ensure the HKKinect project references the SDK DLL. Initial compilation may take a while due to 3D assets and the XNA Content Pipeline.

Pathfinding and Profiler

Throughout my time at University I worked on several pathfinding solutions, along with a profiler designed to analyse the performance of pathfinding algorithms. I worked with A*, Dijkstra, and a Scent Map algorithm. I have implemented A* in a graphical C++ application using SDL software rendering, and a profiler in C# using Microsoft XNA, and windows forms.


C# implementation of A*, Dijkstra and a scent map. Comes with tools used to profile pathfinding algorithms.

C++/SDL Program

C++ implementation of A* Algorithm, using SDL software rendering.

OpenGL FunLand

An application built for learning purposes using OpenGL. The program was meant to be used to teach basic 3D math and computer graphics concepts, and thus uses immediate mode OpenGL rendering. The application can also interface with a Nintendo Wii remote via bluetooth using the WiiYourself library, for an additional level of scene interaction. It also contains basic OpenGL lighting, picking and fog.


An additional framework built on top of the Microsoft XNA framework to allow for rapid game development. This was intended for personal use in Game Jams for rapid prototyping, and was used in Lost&Sound and Kinect Rampage.

Hashtag Visualizer

A program developed to analyse a list of data, in this case a list of hashtags over a given period of time. The visualizer generates data such as the amount of times individual tags occur. It can also generate HTML tables to visualize this data.

To Do List

A program that can be used to manage a To Do List. Written in C# using windows forms. Lists can be given tasks with dates, and the program will inform the user when deadlines approach. Lists can also be saved, loaded and exported to text formats.

GameJam Games

I have participated in various game jams working alongside others to produce games rapidly against a given theme.


Developed using C# and XNA alongside an artist. Themes were Loss and Sound. Find the music box in the abandoned hospital before the ghost drives you insane! Requires Xbox 360 GamePad to play.


Developed in my first year of University in a team of 3, using Unity and C#. Themes were 2012, Sheep and Vikings. Beat the vikings at the 2012 Woolympics!

ActionScript Games

A couple of ActionScript3 games developed using FlashPunk, just for fun!

Terran Defensive

A simple Space Invaders inspired 2D shooter. Defend the planet!

Mr. Boshi

Stop Mr. Boshi (Mr. Hat) from losing his hat!

PhysX Pinball

A pinball game written in C++. Uses PhysX for physics simulation, GLUT for window management and OpenGL immediate mode for simple rendering. Also uses the BASS audio library for sound and SOIL for importing images.

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© Henri Keeble 2014